To exchange Stellar for other cryptocurrencies, select the currency you want to receive and specify the wallet address. The first thing you need is the account number of the recipient of the cryptocurrency. Our service does not provide wallet services. To exchange XLMBTC, you must enter the existing account number where the funds will be transferred. To get an address, decide what currency you plan to purchase: each platform offers official client wallets.
If you have a registered account, please enter your login information. To make an account, you require an email address and a password. Having an account allows you to access the history of financial transactions and other settings. Offers social media account registration. Log in with your Google, Twitter, or Facebook account and get full access to the features of the XLM exchanger.
The Stellar cryptocurrency has the following advantages:
- High transaction processing speed. If compared with the same BTC, then transfers are made immediately through the validator inside the Stellar platform. The funds are credited to the recipient’s account nearly immediately. But since we cooperate with fiat partners, one transaction takes, on average, from 5 to 30 minutes; this is due to the manual processing of transactions.
- Low energy consumption. Mining, in the traditional sense, is absent. The transaction verification protocol of this platform is more energy efficient than other algorithms.
- Easy access to digital assets. XLM can perform financial transactions within the blockchain in countries where cryptocurrency is not developed or is prohibited by law.
- The XLM exchanger offers favorable terms of cooperation and relatively fast exchange of digital currencies. Delays in the execution of transactions may be due to a platform update, a hacker attack, or other external factors affecting the system. We do our best to keep the exchange time to a minimum.
A Brief History of Stellar Lumens
Stellar is a publicly accessible decentralized marketplace that has various assets in circulation. The platform also has its open-source Stellar Lumens (XLM) cryptocurrency.
The currency is established on the SCP, which is identical in guide to the BFT protocol of the Ripple venue but has a considerable distinction. All network validators are equivalent; the blockchain has no central control nodes. The XLM coin is more decentralized than Ripple but less decentralized than Proof-Of-Work cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin and Ethereum).
Key features of the exchanger
LetsExchange is a modern and reliable service that works with 200 types of coins and 40,000 cryptocurrency pairs. There are no restrictions on the amount of the exchange. All transactions are made securely; for example, sell Hydra for PHP.
A team of professionals well-versed created the multicurrency service in modern financial technologies and blockchain. Cooperation with an exchanger is an opportunity not only to exchange cryptocurrency profitably but also to save time.
Also, among the advantages of the service, it is necessary to highlight the following:
- Fast exchange transactions. These processes are fully automated. Most transactions happen instantly. The efficiency of their execution depends on how quickly the transaction will be registered in the blockchain.
- Always the best rates. The unique SmartRate technology can choose the most favorable rate for each transaction.
- Transparent exchange procedure. There are no hidden details. You can request a receipt containing information regarding the exchange at any time.
- Help technical support. You can contact her not only with questions but also with suggestions that help improve the service. Operators are on call around the clock and seven days a week.
- Security guarantee. All coins must be validated. Data encryption, protection against DDoS attacks, and an SSL certificate are used to maximize the level of security.