Planning an Asian Wedding
A wedding is considered to be the most important and happiest event for any couple. The couple and both of their families put in a lot of efforts to make this event a successful one. Both the sides start to do planning months before the wedding. They start to make appointments with the photographers, designers, caterers, event planners and others and start to decide what to be done in order to make this event the most memorable one for both the families. Dance practices also come to action weeks before the big day. Close friends and families join in and participate in the dance practice so that they can perform well on the actual day. An Asian wedding mostly lasts for 3 to 4 days. Each day is celebrated to its fullest.

Starting from hall arrangements that include stage decoration, hall decoration, food and drinks, lightening and much more to bride and groom dresses, their shoes, bride’s makeup and jewelry, everything is arranged accordingly. A photographer is a must have at any wedding and no wedding is complete without a photographer. Asian weddings are full of colors and music and dance. Women put mehendi on their hands and wear bright clothes and heavy jewelry throughout the functions. Some people who are well affording also arrange a special dance night in which all of the bride and groom side’s closest friends and family are invited. Fancy food, live music and dances are performed and people enjoy a lot on this occasion. An Asian wedding car hire service is taken to make the departure of Barat more attractive. Then comes the big day for the bride and groom which is totally organized by the bride’s side. This event is always a grand event.

Whole decoration, hall, clothes, food, drinks, desserts and much more are arranged on a high scale. The bride side welcomes the groom side and music is played side by side in order to keep them entertained. Mostly the guests also start dancing in order to make the event even more fun. People takes lot of pictures, they meet and greet one another. The video man and the photographer tries to cover the whole event as much as possible. The guest bring gifts for the couple. Some bring cash while other may bring a gift but no one comes empty handed. They go to the stage, congratulate the couple, presents them with the gift and also give them their blessings and then a family picture is taken. And after that the bride goes with the groom and his family which is known as Rukhsati or bidai.
The whole event takes 3 to 4 hours to get finished. In this way the event comes to an end. But this is not it, the next day a reception also takes place which is solely arranged by the groom side and now they stand on the front gate to welcome the bride’s side. This event is also arranged on a big scale. Lots of people from both the bride and groom’s side are invited and people attend this day by wearing formal and bright dresses. In this way the whole event comes to an end after 3 to 4 days of joy, laughter and much happiness.
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