How to write perfect essays when English is your second language


How to write perfect essays when English is your second language

The more you practice essay writing the easier it gets. This is for both native and non-native English speakers. Writing is a skill, you perfect it over time. But, when English is a second language, a writer has more work to do to write a perfect essay. This is because this writer will need to learn some English language rules when it comes to writing.

But, there is a lot of hope for these writers. If English is your second language and wondering how to write a perfect essay, worry not. There are many students facing the same situation. The good thing is, there are many people willing to help. Well, we are among these people. This is why in this article; we are going to give you tips on how to write a perfect essay even when English is your second language. However, if lack time to read this but need essay writing service, click here. will handle the rest.

  • Read widely

Reading is a perfect way of writing perfect essays when English is your second language. Even natives know that reading helps them write perfect essays. By reading more in English, you become more familiar with accurate writing. You get to learn several things that make essays perfect.

First, you become familiar with the grammar rules in the English language. To write perfect essays in any language, you must know the grammatical rules in that language. When we say grammar, we mean how words are used and formed. If you don’t know the rules, you can never express your ideas clearly.

Take time to study and practice the grammatical rules. Essay writers online can help you with grammar enabling you to write a perfect essay.

Second, you will learn how to use proper punctuation. Different languages have different rules on punctuation. So, read again and again on how to use proper punctuation to write a perfect essay.

Third, read widely to identify correct sentences. This will help you to only focus on correct sentences.

Also, consider reading sample essays. This will help you have more insights on how to write a perfect essay when English is your second language. You can get sample essays from other people or online. Essay writers give access to several sample essays.

  • Make it simple

To write a perfect essay, keep it simple. You may think that long words will make an essay perfect. This is wrong. A perfect essay is simple and easy to understand. Choose words that relate to your topic. Then, write short sentences. This will help the reader to keep track of your idea. This will also help you express your thought clearly. With long sentences, you may end up getting out of context.

You may also consider writing short essays. Long essays may be boring and discourage you from writing. But, if you write short essays on interesting topics, you will easily learn how to write perfect essays.

  • Use writing resources

There are many writing resources that can help you write a perfect essay. For example, essay writing service can help you learn how to organize, structure, and format your essay. You can use software such as Grammarly to check your grammar. In short use any available tool, online or offline, to write a perfect essay even when English is your second language.

  • Edit your essay

After completing your essay, always ensure you edit it. Check if you have used correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The best way to do this is by reading your essay word by word. This way, you will deliver a perfect essay. An essay that clearly expresses your argument. Some online tools can help you identify such mistakes. But, sometimes they may fail to correct all mistakes. This is why we encourage you to read through your essay.

As part of the editing, consider another person to read your essay. If you can get a native speaker review it, the better. But, any other person who is good in English can give you useful feedback. Just make sure you trust the language skills of this person.


We know how frustrating it can get when trying to write an essay in a second language. Sometimes, a bright idea in the first language seems dull in our second language. Other times, the sentences come out longer making a hilarious expression. But, even with English as your second language, you can still write a perfect essay. We have provided four tips that can help you write a perfect essay.

There is no need to stress out. International students have many times proven they can write perfect essays. Just remember to keeping reading and practicing. With time you will become a perfect essay writer. By the way, even native speakers struggle in writing perfect essays. So, as much as this article focuses on non-natives, it can also be useful to natives. By following our tips, you will be able to write a perfect essay. Writing in a second language should no longer be a challenge. Rather, it should be an opportunity to become an expert writer.

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