What Is The Importance Of Pithi Ceremony In Wedding ?


What Is The Importance Of Pithi Ceremony ?

Pithi ceremony is commonly known as Haldi. It is a famous traditional ceremony that marks the days before the wedding. It is popular in Hinduism. Pithi has medicinal content. In the pithi ceremony, the paste of Haldi is applied to both bride and groom, the paste of Haldi is made according to the ritual the family believes in. The ceremony held in both the places and is held on the day of the wedding. some people call it with other names like ubtan, bandha, tel Baan, etc, depending on different cultures. This ceremony is followed by traditional songs and dancing.

Importance Of Pithi Ceremony

Pithi ceremony is important in Indian culture. It signifies so many things and is valued by people. Emotions are connected to it hence it is important. The significance of Haldi lies in its cleansing and antibiotic properties. It is said that haldi or pithi is a soul and body cleanser. It signifies the welcoming into the adult married life of both bride and groom.

Some common important points are :

  • Keeping the evil away : The bride and groom are not allowed to remove the house after the Haldi ceremony. It is said that haldi can ward off evil spirits that might affect the married life of the bride and the groom. The bad luck and all the evils are sent away.
  • Beautification : It is the most obvious thing that the bride and groom want to look good on their special day. Haldi helps in provide that glow. Haldi removes the dead skin cells and improves the glow on the face. Haldi is used in many cosmetics too for its beautification properties. It brings a better lookout.
  • A sense of ease : Haldi has detoxifying and relaxing properties. This is why it removes tension. The ceremony involves the gathering of family and fun events. This is why it brings a sense of love and ease and hence it removes all the nervousness and jitter of the wedding.
  • Yellow colour : Yellow colour is a sign of spring. Spring marks new beginnings. New Beginnings of new life. Married life should mark with a prosperous beginning. Haldi ensured peace and prosperity according to tradition. Marriage is a life long bond and it must begin with good vibes and peaceful bond and stay like that.

What to wear to a pithi ceremony ?

The clothes can be any but it is recommended to wear yellow clothes on the day of Haldi. One of the reason is to avoid the clothes getting spotted by Haldi. The more significant reason lies in the authenticity and traditional values behind that colour. It marks spring the season of new beginning or tress and leaves. Spring the beginning of growth. It is a symbol of a new beginning.

Pithi Ceremony Rituals

The rituals are simple and it may vary slightly from culture to culture. The basic ceremony involves the application of haldi on the face and body of the bride and groom. The Haldi is applied by the elders in the house mostly. They might be followed by some traditional folk songs and another kind of cultural bounds. Each family member participates in the application of Haldi. In many cultures, even younger siblings can involve in the process of the Haldi ceremony. It is a belief that if an unmarried, young sibling is touched by the Haldi on the Haldi ceremony, they are supposed to get married soon.

Haldi is applied in the form of a paste which might be made by adding milk or rose water to it. Some people might just add plain water to make a paste of Haldi for the ritual. Milk and rosewater also have beneficial properties of their own. When combined with Haldi, it boosts the property of it as well. Pithi ceremony the name comes from the ingredients pithi pithi which is made out of natural herbs that are medicinal in their values. Pithi is made from the flour of chickpea as well as rose water and turmeric. There might be few other important ingredients as well.

Pithi Ceremony for Groom

There is a pre-planned ceremony for pithi. The pithi paste is prepared by the relatives. Friends and family help the groom to take a ceremonial bath and get dressed. Traditionally the groom is dressed in Dhoti and Kurta, Sisters in law or Bhabhi apply pithi on his legs, hands and face. After the Pithi session, both the bride and the bridegroom are blessed by elders.

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