What is Guest Posting ? How to Submit a Guest Post ?


What is Guest Posting ?

How to Submit a Guest Post ?

“I have a blog that has over millions of visits per day”, a proud feeling passes through your spine when you say this statement, right? But how easy it is to get millions of users per month or thousands of hits per day in a blog? Is it as easy as chewing a gum or as difficult as walking on a hot road? Well, the second option is the correct one.

Everyone can run a blog but not everyone can become a blogger! To become a successful blogger, it is necessary to compromise sleep, food and many more things you love. While doing blogging, all you need to focus is on your blog, blog and blog.

Today, we are here to discuss about How to Submit a Guest Post, what is the importance of submitting a guest post, what are its advantages and how it can help you in ranking your blog.

Before we start with the discussion why you should submit a guest post, we will first see what it is. If you are a blogger, you might be already knowing that why you need to submit a guest post, but if you are a beginner, then this guide can really help you in knowing how you can take your blog a level up with a good number of users coming organically.

So, let’s begin!

What is Guest Posting ? How to Submit a Guest Post ?
Image Source : Google / Submit a guest post / guest blogging

Mail us for Guest Blogging  Hindipanda@gmail.com

What is Guest Post or Guest Blogging ?

Before you decide to submit a guest post, being a newbie, you should be clear with what is guest post or Guest Blogging. If you will be clear with the concept, it will become easy for you to identify what type of content you need to post as a guest and which Guest Blogging sites will be beneficial for you.

Guest Blogging or Guest Posting is the part of blogging in which you have to submit your content to another blogger’s blog through which you can generate more traffic on your blog and also build good network having good authority, links and exposure. Some people charge for accepting guest blogs whereas some allows you to post your content for free.

Now, you might be wondering that what are these “links” for? These links are known as the most prominent medium to get ranked on Google. These links are not only links but once your content is submitted as a guest post, then it means you have gotten a link back to your blog from someone’s blog which is a good sign.

Also, you connect with new bloggers and with this your network of knowing bloggers increases too. Sometimes, when you submit a guest post, you need to write the content that the owner for that particular blog wants and sometimes, you can just write content as per your needs and put an anchor text where ever you need it.

One of the major benefits of Guest Blogging is, it is a two-way profit. If you submit a guest post having high quality content then the chance of attracting new readers and getting more traffic also increases. This is the reason why most of bloggers demand high quality content.

Moving forward, let us see what is the importance of Guest Blogging:

Importance or Benefits of Guest Blogging

Submit a Guest Post Infographic
Image Source : Google / Submit a guest post / guest blogging

Mail us for Guest Blogging  Hindipanda@gmail.com

  • Increases Authority

If you are in dilemma about how you can increase your blog’s domain authority, then you have to start to submit a guest post, this will surely increase the authority of your blog because you will be trusted by the audience of social media and other platforms because of the content you will write about yourself and post it on good blogs.

  • Converts Your Blog into a Brand

If you are passionate about converting your blog into a brand name, then start posting content as a guest post from initial stage only. Because when your content will get published on someone’s blog, people visiting their site will also come to know about your brand and if they will find it interesting, they might visit your blog too.

  • Website Traffic

One of the most major benefit you will get from Guest Blogging is genuine traffic on your blog. Though you can get traffic through paid campaigns but if you will get organic traffic coming on your blog then it will be more profitable for you.

What is Guest Posting ? How to Submit a Guest Post ?
Image Source : Google / Submit a guest post / guest blogging

Mail us for Guest Blogging  Hindipanda@gmail.com

Is Guest Posting worth it ?

The only answer to this question is Yes! But take care of spam and huge number of outbound links. Make sure that the content you write and the blog you chose to submit guest post is relevant to each other. Suppose, you have written an article on health genre and you are posting it on a recipe blog then it is meaningless.

What is Guest Posting ? How to Submit a Guest Post ?
Image Source : Google /  Submit a Guest Post / Guest Blogging

Mail us for Guest Blogging  Hindipanda@gmail.com

How to Submit A Guest Post ?

Submitting guest post is quite an easy task. All you need to do is, you can either find blogs on Google or you can find Guest Posting opportunities on social media such as Facebook or Instagram. You need to have a conversation with the blog’s owner and tell them about why you want to submit guest post on their blog.

Now, paid guest post or free guest post, this is entirely your decision but if you will go with paid guest post then it will be more beneficial as you will get your content posted on a genuine blog. No wonder owners who don’t charge are also having amazing traffic on their blogs but still quality comes into picture again.

Source : Youtube / Neil Patel / Is Guest Posting Worth It ?

We hope that now you are completely clear with How to Submit a Guest Post why it is important to do and how it can help you. Blogging is a very easy yet complex field. If you will only think about money, you will get nothing but if you will think about educating or entertaining your audience in different ways then surely you will slowly and gradually start seeing the result.

Never run behind the money, just keep putting your efforts and money will hit your pocket in the right time and the right amount!

Happy Blogging!

Guest Blogging on Hindi Panda

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