How to Ask For Guest Post on a Blog


How to Ask For Guest Post on a Blog


Follow this ultimate guide on How to Ask For Guest Post on a Blog

Guest posting is another form of blogging, which is done on someone else’s blog instead of using one’s own blog. Blogging helps in building great brand authority and this is the only way by which you can disclose little things about your brand with the help of writings. Guest posting them someone else’s blog can help to create a good audience base and your brand will be popular among many. Read this article to know How to Ask For Guest Post on a Blog and get maximum benefits. Continue reading to know some facts related to the guest posts, how can they be posted and how to ask for guest post on a blog?

Set a goal before the guest posting

Before you start the process of guest posting it is very important to realize the motive behind doing so. Setting a goal can help you choose the right kind of blog that will be able to provide you with the maximum benefits needed to make your brand popular. Generally, there are three main motives for guest blogging. They are listed below for your reference:

  • Getting backlinks towards your website.
  • Setting the authority of your brand and making it popular.
  • Driving traffic towards your website.

All you need is a quality content placed at the right place in a related blog, that matches your article can help you achieve the main motive behind the efforts made for guest postings. You can target blogs that have a strong audience base and has huge traffic driven towards it for accomplishing the 2nd and the 3rd motive. While in order to go for the first one you will have to find some blogs in your niche that have got a great domain score. Since backlinks generated from a good DA site, increases the quality of link as well and the link juice transferred to your website is also good. Determining the goals beforehand will help you find the best suitable blog to submit a guest post.

==> Write for us Guest post <==

Some great tips that can be follow to get the maximum benefits from the guest posts :

Finding opportunities for guest blogging  In order to submit a guest post, you will have to look for a good blog in your niche. Look for the blogs with the following characteristics-

  1. The content already available in the blog matches your industry type.
  2. The audience of the blog is engaging.
  3. The traffic is actually interested in your industry type.
  4. Good social media presence of the blog owner.

To start with the guest posts you can also consider registering on the platform My Blog Guest that is exclusively available for the guest bloggers. Signing up is free and you can also search for the blogs in your niche that accept guest posts.

Prepare to get a guest post pitched Straight away talking to the blog owners should not be the first step. Instead, you should look for a couple of things that need to be checked before coming to the conclusion. Look for the type of content in your target blog. Try to figure out the answers to the below points while choosing a blog for guest posts.

  1. What type of fan base does the blog have? For example, if the blog has an audience who is interested in B2B type of content then your brand has to be B2B, it is then possible to obtain maximum benefits.
  2. The level of audience they usually write for. The levels can be broadly classified as – Beginners, Intermediate and advanced.
  3. Tile of content that is preferred by them. Is it an educational tutorial or reviews of the newly launched stuff ?

After having a rough idea about the details of the content preferred by the blog more own, you should also look for other guest posts. How they perform, what kind of flair others have in their writing, how engaging the audience is, do they comment etc. In short, try to find out the answers to the maximum number of questions that keep flashing in your mind.

Best Tips to get approval of guest post

How to Ask For Guest Post on a Blog
Image Source : Google / How to Ask For Guest Post on a Blog

How to ask for guest post on a blog  The process requires a bit of research that should satisfy you so that you can easily make a final decision on what to write and where to guest post. Writing a guest post is another challenging job as it is often a tough choice to make whether you should submit a good content on your own blog or use it as a guest post. The decision can be made based on the quality of the blog you have planned to submit a guest post to. After finalizing the blog on which you want to post your content, try to submit a great guest post idea after referring to the list of guidelines of that particular blog. Try submitting a few different ideas so that the blog owner has few options to choose from. There is no hard and fast rule that can be followed to ask a blog for a guest post, instead, try to supply a great quality content and choosing the correct blog type can help to get the most of it.

Insert a Great Guest Bio  This is probably the most important part of your guest post. This section has backlinks to your website, your own blog, you can also promote your brand, product or service. This section depends on your guest blogging goals. If you are looking for good quality backlinks, be sure to place a link back to your website on your target anchor text. If you want to drive traffic then you can place a call – to – action button at a proper place or consider linking to a custom landing page, or you can also link to a page that has a description about your product or service.

Contact the blog owners who accept guest posts on their blog and make your brand popular among the masses. Guest posts are not about backlinks always, instead, they should be done to have good quality content about your brand on different blogs and driving their traffic to your website.

Hope this information was useful for you, kindly let others also know about it by sharing to your friends and family. Let us know your doubt in the comment section or by mail :

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