Designing a Good Outdoor Signage to
Attract New Customers
When the digital age started, the advancement of technology overpowered traditional marketing strategies. It becomes a problem already on how to engage new customers to become attracted in a business entity without the use of purely internet alone. As much as grabbing the attention of new customers is a concern, it should get a great deal from company owners.
Benchmarking from big companies, it has been proven that signage becomes effective in attracting new customers. As FedEx surveyed regarding the customers’ experiences with signage, the result is surprising. In the result, new customers have identified the signage as a tool to get their attention. Aside from that, new customers knew the business brand through business signage.
It is given already that the use of signage is effective in attracting new customers, what will be your next step? As you begin to become convinced of taking a good one, get what your company deserves. Be guided on how to design your outdoor signage to prosper the effectiveness of signage.
- Color Combination
Colors have a significant impact on many people. Therefore, it has a substantial part in designing outdoor signages. As you choose the color, consider if it helps your brand to display your brand’s identity. It is because a research study shows that people recognize the trademarks of individual companies in over 80% because of its color.
It may be your choice to pick trendy colors, but still, be careful about it. The color which becomes trendy nowadays may be an eyesore in the future. It only means that it does not have a long-lasting effect because it does not speak for the personality of the business itself.
- Font Appropriateness
As you expose the name of your company’s brand, consider how it looks to the public. Consider the context of your business nature. Do not settle for random picks regarding font styles. Knowing your business context may help you in choosing your appropriate font. The font style you use will be in great help to convey a message towards your clients.
As much as possible, for alignment and consistency purposes, take a look at your business logo’s font. Since you have brainstormed well your logo’s element, you can consider using it for your signage. It does not matter if your brand’s logo and signage have the same font style. If you do such, there is a higher reinforcement already both your brand logo and your outdoor signage.
- Contrast elements
The font style and color should be perfect combines together. The purpose of this aspect is to maintain the readability of the signage. Whenever the color overpowers the font color, readability may be at risk.
The combination of the colors which may be applied for the outdoor signage should be connected and intertwined. Choose the colors of both wisely because it may result to counter comments against the brand. Upon choosing, if the background is lighter, the font is darker. Otherwise, if the environment is dark, the font should be lighter. There should be a balance regarding how to choose colors for application.
- Graphics Utilized
There are signages which purely name brand only. There is also other signage which used the brand’s logo. However, commonly, the combination of graphics and brand name comes along to add uniqueness and attractiveness towards new clients. Ideally, the latter is recommendable.
Therefore, images or symbols which will be utilized should be chosen carefully. One logo or one picture will be enough. Do not overuse graphics within your signage. Upon acquiring, assure that the icons can connect easily towards people. Just for instance, whenever your business talks about sports equipment, then the signage should focus on sport team signages.
- Size Ideal
Size matters, no matter what. Upon designing, consider how prominent the outdoor signage may be. As much as possible, put the letters on a larger scale. Make sure that it is not as big as usual. Give a little extension of it because so that it may still be visible even from afar. The signage should have a bigger picture to anybody so that anyone can see it.
The outdoor signage size also talks about the legibility of the brand. People see the confidence that the brand has. And consequently, new customers will trust your brand in return. Making the letters a little bit bigger, which can still be seen at 100 feet distance is mighty. It pulls many people towards your business store.
- Takeaway
Either your brand is a neophyte or an expert; it deserves a well-return of investments. Mounting outdoor signage can be very beneficial for your business. The appropriateness and the collaboration of each design is a must. By getting the right combination of each, your outdoor signage may compete in the business industry it belongs.
Author’s Bio
Rebecca Nelson is a blogger and writer. She writes about technology, business, marketing, health and lifestyle, and real estate. In her free time, Rebecca either spends time with her family or play sports with her colleagues.