Basic Shortcut Keys :
These are normally various key combinations, used to perform specific tasks. In this article we are going to cover some of the most commonly used shortcut keys along with their respective functions. So, let’s get started.
![Shortcut Keys](
First we are going to cover the most basic as well as most commonly used shortcut keys, and these are: –
- Ctrl + X
- Ctrl + C
- Ctrl + V
- Ctrl + Z
- Ctrl + Y
The Ctrl + X key combination is used to cut a file, folder or highlighted text from its place.
Ctrl + C can be used to copy.
And finally Ctrl + V to paste it to any desired location.
Ctrl + Z is for undo and Ctrl + Y for redo.
Now, comes some common Word Processing shortcuts : –
- Ctrl + B
- Ctrl + I
- Ctrl + U
- Ctrl + N
- Ctrl + O
- Ctrl + S
- Ctrl + P
- Ctrl + F
- Ctrl R
- Ctrl + Shift + >
- Ctrl + Shift + <
- Ctrl + Enter
- Ctrl + Left Arrow
- Ctrl + Right Arrow
- Ctrl + Backspace
![Shortcut keys](
Press Ctrl + B is used to make the Highlighted text Bold, Ctrl + I to make it Italic and Ctrl + U to underline it.
Ctrl + S is used to save a file, Ctrl + N for new file, and Ctrl + O to open an existing file.
Ctrl + P to print the current page.
Ctrl + F is the shortcut key to open the Find dialog box, and Ctrl + R for Replace dialog box.
Ctrl + Shift + > can be used to increase the font size while Ctrl + Shift + < to decrease it.
Ctrl + Enter is used to change the paragraph (create new paragraph)
You can move one word at a time by using the Ctrl + Left Arrow or Ctrl + Right Key combination.
You can also use the Ctrl + Backspace key combination to delete the last word that you typed.
![Shortcut keys](
let’s take a look at some random shortcut key combinations: –
- Alt + Print Screen
- Alt + Tab
- Ctrl + Shift + Esc
- Ctrl + W
- Ctrl + Shift + Delete
- Ctrl + (+)
- Ctrl + (-)
- Ctrl + 0
Use the Alt + Print Screen key combination to take a screenshot of the active window; the window that is focus’
Alt + Tab to go through all the opened windows or applications.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open up the Windows Task Manager (and Alt + Ctrl + Delete for older versions of Windows).
Ctrl + W to quickly close your browser
Ctrl + Shift + Delete clear the browser history.
Ctrl + (+) to zoom in an image or webpage, Ctrl + (-) to zoom out, and Ctrl + 0 to reset it.
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